Cultural-E aims at providing climate and culture-based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs). Therefore, this event will be your chance to discover more about Plus Energy Buildings and to learn about the results developed during these years. First-hand interaction with the project partners will help you as well to deepen your knowledge about the technologies used to realise the Plus Energy Buildings demonstration cases.
Read here for a preview of the Agenda:
First Session (9:45 -10:30) :
- Presentation of the design guidelines for Plus Energy Buildings and launch of the PEB HUB
- Panel discussion with the project partners’ What are the design challenges and opportunities for Plus Energy Buildings?
Second Session (11:00- 12:30) :
- PEB Technologies and Demonstration Cases Pitch
- Lunch break & Exhibition of the technologies’ providers
Third session (14:00-14:15) :
- Co-benefits Assessment of Plus Energy Buildings
Fourth session (14:15 -15:30):
- Policy session and round table: Powering the future, why do we need Plus Energy Buildings?
Keep following us on our social media channels to receive updates about the program of the event!
Also, find our event on BUILDUP.